Announcing the Parkitect: Booms & Blooms update!

Hey everyone, we’re excited to tell you about the Parkitect: Booms & Blooms Pack today!

It will launch next week, on September 2nd.

This update consists of two parts: the paid Booms & Blooms Pack ($7.99/€6.59), adding explosive new content; and a free patch that adds a whole bunch of improvements and new features to the base game.
Here’s a trailer to show you some of the highlights:

So, what exactly is included?

Paid content

In the Booms & Blooms pack you’ll find:

With the new Effect Controller you can create your own firework shows or synchronize effects with your rides! There’s also new speakers that allow you to play your own music, or you can use the Effect Controller to trigger your own sound effects.

Two new thrill rides, one new water ride, and three new coasters! And with the new switch segments your Mine Train Coasters and Junior Coasters can ride backwards!

There’s a new set of trees, and new flags that you can put your own images on!

Free update

Some of the highlights of the free portion of this update include:

  • adjustable direction for spinning rides
  • new basic shape variations, updated old plants to be recolorable, updated many old trees to be resizable 
  • we have completely reworked how the game gets rendered, making use of some more modern GPU features to improve performance. How much of a difference you see depends on your system and the park you’re playing (the more heavily decorated your park is the bigger the difference you’ll see).
    Camera mods should benefit from these improvements as well.
    As a result of these improvements we also allow you to zoom out further now.
  • similar changes have been made for the light animations of flat rides, moving more work to the GPU. Again, how much of an improvement you’ll see depends on your park - the results you see below is for one of the most extreme cases possible