We’re super excited to show you the Parkitect: Taste Of Adventure today!
It will launch next week, on November 20th.

This is a huge game update that consists of two parts: the paid Taste of Adventure expansion, adding a ton of tasty new content; and a free patch that adds a whole bunch of improvements and new features to the base game.
Here’s a trailer to show you some of the highlights:
So, what exactly is included?

There’s a whole new campaign map for you to prove your theme park building skills in 10 challenging scenarios. Can you also beat them without pausing the game or using blueprints?


Exciting new objects for the most intrepid adventurer!

Welcome to the land of cotton candy and gingerbread!

River Rapids

A staple in many theme parks, but certainly the trickiest ride for us to implement!
Features customizable channel width, freely placeable bumpers, rapids and waterfalls
Safari Ride

A calm scenic ride that can be made more exciting with freely placeable bumps on the track.
Vertical Spinning Coaster

A coaster than can only be built vertically with freely spinning rows of seats.
Swinging Coaster

A Wild Mouse-type of coaster with unique cars that can swing sideways
Inverting Spinning Coaster

A spinning coaster capable of launches and inversions
Inverting Wooden Coaster

A hybrid coaster combining wooden and steel sections

A thrill ride that spins and inverts guests

A flat ride that looks exciting in motion but is fairly tame

Cookies, Shirts, Sub Sandwiches and Corndogs!

- Animated doors and gates

- Lava

- turntables for the Water Coaster

- elevators for the Wild Mouse, Spinning Coaster and Swinging Coaster

- customizable 3D text signs

Free update
Some of the highlights of the free portion of this update include:
- customizable water colors

- custom image signs (with modding support!). Your custom images are stored in the savegame/blueprint, so other players can see them too when downloading your shared content from the workshop! Note that custom images take up a lot of the limited storage space in blueprints though

- ride photo sections for all tracked rides

- modding support for creating custom coaster trains!

- improved staff zoning that allows overlapping zones

- all path styles can be used as queues now

- improved track builder that preselects the settings of removed track segments, making track editing faster