Hi! Someone asked for updates on what we’re working on, so I’ll try to ideally post one each weekend.
This week I mainly worked on behind-the-scenes stuff - cleaning up and improving code, improving some internal tools. I’ve added a small tool that gives us an overview of the rides in the game and their stats so we don’t have to keep an external spreadsheet updated with that. It’ll surely be handy for balancing ride stats.
I’ve also updated our tool for wrapping bounding boxes around objects. It looks like this:

These boxes define how much space an object needs around it in the game.
The curves of our coaster tracks weren’t perfectly circular so far, which I fixed:

They smoothly connect with each other now. The cross beams are still spaced a bit unevenly though.
I then took care of building previews and animations. Here’s some older ones first that haven’t been posted here before:
Building paths:

Building shops:

Since then I’ve added building benches and other stuff that goes on the path:

You can build these either individually on a side of the path or automatically on all free sides.
I finished the week with previews and animations for planting trees:

- Sebastian