Another week another update! This one’s a bit earlier to be in time before our Kickstarter ends (just about one day left!). By the way! For those of you who wanted to support our campaign but couldn’t due to not owning a credit card, we’ve now got PayPal & Amazon options directly on our website thanks to the awesome guys over at Humble.
Anyways, back to this weeks progress - first of all, I added smooth camera rotation using the mouse:

It only rotates around the up axis, so you can’t change the tilt. It can also still snap to four predefined angles as before using the camera rotation buttons, as the end of the GIF tries to demonstrate.
Many of you made me aware that the coasters were moving way too fast, so I took a look and indeed there was a small unit conversion mistake causing it to go about three times as fast as it’s supposed to. It should be correct now:

It’s a bit hard to tell in a choppy GIF, but let me know if this still feels off :)
Next I worked on improvements for steel coaster supports. I made them try to move out of the way a bit if needed:

(Those white connector beams are placeholder art, obviously)
Finally I gave angled supports a try:

They are still highly experimental and require a lot more work (as you can probably tell by the graphical glitches anyways), but I think for a quick try they look promising enough to justify continuing to work on them.